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Hazir Mobile App
Project Name: Hazir Mobile App


Introducing the Hazir Mobile App, a collaborative project between DevsRank and the creators of the app, designed to streamline and simplify the process of connecting service providers with customers. The Hazir Mobile App offers a user-friendly platform for users to access a wide range of services, from home maintenance and repairs to professional services, all in one place.

Discover Hazir Mobile App by DevsRank for seamless productivity and convenience. Unlock a new level of efficiency on-the-go!

What We Developed:

  1. Service Catalog: The Hazir Mobile App features a comprehensive catalog of services, including home cleaning, plumbing, electrical repairs, tutoring, healthcare, and more. Users can browse, select, and book services that meet their needs.

  2. User Profiles: Service providers and customers can create profiles within the app, including detailed information, photos, reviews, and ratings. This enhances transparency and helps users make informed decisions.

  3. Real-Time Booking: Customers can book services in real time, specifying their location, preferred time slots, and any specific requirements. Service providers can accept or decline booking requests based on their availability.

  4. Payment Integration: The app supports secure payment options, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and cash payments. Customers can pay for services conveniently within the app.

  5. Scheduling and Notifications: Users receive notifications and reminders for booked services, ensuring they are prepared for appointments and can track service providers’ arrival.

  6. Reviews and Ratings: After a service is completed, both customers and service providers can rate and review each other, fostering trust and accountability within the platform.

How We Developed This Project:

Our development process for the Hazir Mobile App followed a structured approach:

  1. Requirements Gathering: We conducted comprehensive discussions with the app’s creators to understand their vision, target audience, and specific app requirements.

  2. Design for User Experience: Our design team created an intuitive and visually appealing mobile app interface, prioritizing user experience, accessibility, and ease of navigation.

  3. Cross-Platform Development: We developed the app for both iOS and Android platforms, ensuring accessibility to users across various devices.

  4. Integration with Payment Gateways: Secure payment gateways were integrated to facilitate seamless and safe transactions for service bookings and payments.

  5. Real-Time Booking and Scheduling: We implemented a real-time booking and scheduling system to facilitate service requests and availability management.

  6. Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing was conducted to ensure the app’s functionality, security, and performance met industry standards.

  7. Deployment and Training: We assisted in deploying the app to app stores (Apple App Store and Google Play Store) and provided training to service providers and users to ensure effective app utilization.


The Hazir Mobile App project was successfully completed within a timeframe of [Specify the duration here, e.g., 24 weeks], from initial planning to app deployment.

Technology Stacks:

The mobile app was developed using modern technologies and frameworks, tailored for both iOS and Android platforms.

  • iOS Development: [Specify the technology and language, e.g., Swift]
  • Android Development: [Specify the technology and language, e.g., Java, Kotlin]
  • Payment Gateway Integration: [Specify the payment gateway technology, e.g., Stripe, PayPal]

This technology stack ensured the app’s security, performance, and responsiveness on both major mobile platforms.

The Hazir Mobile App now offers users a convenient and efficient platform for accessing a wide range of services, connecting service providers and customers seamlessly. If you have a similar on-demand service app project in mind or require assistance with mobile app development for service marketplaces, please feel free to contact us. We’re here to help you achieve your goals in enhancing service accessibility and convenience.